Scott + Traci Story Because we were told to color inside the lines, to fit the mold (“this is what a pastor would do”, “this is the role of the pastor’s wife”) that we never really wanted or liked (3 hymns and a sermon), we believed church was more than a traditional Sunday service. Status quo or “that’s the way we’ve always done it” seemed to suck the life out of us. We were created for more. Our desire was to create a community of dream chasers and mold breakers who didn’t have any desire to fit the traditional setting. Easier said than done. Why? Because we couldn’t find a road map. There wasn’t one so we had to design as we trailblazed into uncharted territory. We now call it a “Community RE-Imagined”
Scott grew up on a farm in KS, Traci was from an auto worker family in MI. We met and later married in the GM town of Flint, MI. We never thought we’d be in LA, but all that changed in 1991.
The plan was to do youth ministry here for a couple of years then move back to the Midwest, but God had a different idea! This “displaced cowboy” and designer have made this their home. Our love for diversity and people have made LA our perfect spot. This community has given us opportunities to be with our crowd and help people find and live out their “why”.
Our greatest accomplishment would be raising our 4 amazing kids. They are the joy of our lives. Our favorite things to do are discovering new coffee shops, the beach, being outdoors and soccer. Our kids are often on the soccer field, so we are their most loyal fans!
The LAB Story: maybe this is the way church was meant to be
The LAB is a collaborative space where people can pursue their dreams with other likeminded creatives. The wall at the entrance illustrates the story of The LAB: “what would you do if you were not afraid.” We created a 21st century church that we called “Community REimagined.” This was a church where business and faith would work together in a community that would be 24/7 in the marketplace honoring God in all they did. Because our greatest satisfaction was seeing others live out their dreams and purposes and have fun doing it. In Our community page you’ll find some amazing people living out their “why” in the space we love: The LAB.